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Intelligence-driven search for the film licensing ecosystem

We developed applications to connect film media rights holders and customers.

User interface for Score Revolution's new intelligence-driven search experience for the film licensing ecosystem by TheoremOne

Visual Search for Musical Licensing

Score Revolution needed an interface allowing users to search a large volume of tracks with complex licensing requirements. Using our Full Stack Innovation process, we developed an intelligence-driven search experience for the film licensing ecosystem, which utilized metadata to search through the media libraries in intuitive new ways.  

  • Structured contextual metadata for faster search results
  • Smart references to other third-party media properties to inspire curations
  • Track and title recommendations and cataloging
User interface for Score Revolution's new intelligence-driven search experience for the film licensing ecosystem by TheoremOne
User interface for Score Revolution's new intelligence-driven search experience for the film licensing ecosystem by TheoremOne
User interface for Score Revolution's new intelligence-driven search experience for the film licensing ecosystem by TheoremOne
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